This information is provided as a courtesy for students interested in applying to the BFA in Graphic Design. Other students may find it of interest as well. Possibly.
Now for the disclaimer: The examples are certainly not the only way to design a portfolio and we hope you will use your judgement as you develop your own. This information is not on the UF/SA+AH website and should not be considered official, mandatory, or legally binding. Seriously.
These are representative portfolios from students accepted into the program in recent years. You will have an idea of the structure of the PDF portfolio and the quality of work overall but all identifying information has been removed (in some cases the cover page, the student’s name or an identifying project is missing). The portfolios you will see follow a simple rule that designers use professionally, i.e., keep it simple so others can see and learn about your work.
A note that portfolio 4 is indicative of a student who is applying only for the degree in graphic design, such as a transfer or re-applicant and tqhis portfolio shows primarily graphic design work.
voxGraphis, the student graphic design organization, provides informal guidance to students on portfolio development during the spring semester. If you have questions, visit one of their meetings on Tuesday evenings (6:15/30) in FAC 314. Better yet, get involved in vox early.