Benefit from our know-how and experience! Cerion is a leading supplier for machinery, software and customer solutions for laser processing of glass.
As innovative company in this market we are headquartered in Minden/Germany. From here we supply our customers worldwide. Cerion GmbH is known for top quality and reliability of its machines - simply made in Germany!
Complete equipment form a single source
Cerion not only offers high-quality laser machines but also practical accessories. With the 3D camera c-cam and 3D image processing software crystalab pro you can receive everything from a single source through Cerion. Our products are optimally coordinated and in case of questions you will find a competent contact partner.
3D-laser system
3D-camera system
C-control laser software and crystalab camera software
bench, folgable
c-jet flight case
c-cam flight case
Growing with Cerion
Whether you would like to enter the production of laser crystal or the processing or mirrors, glass doors or glass furniture - Cerion offers you both small compact systems and large industrial machines. Grow with our versatile product offering!
Quality and performance
Cerion stands for Made in Germany! Quality and performance of our products and the satisfaction of our customers are our top priority. You may find a cheaper solution somewhere else - with Cerion you will get the best!
Consultation and service
Competent consultation and fast service worldwide - we provide intensive training and offer you technical support via our hotline as well as our technical service on site of via the Internet. We are glad to assist you with key events or opening your business.