Despite some strong competition from free Android apps, the iPhone continues to be the main smartphone of choice for the design world. It's not just the best iPad apps that can be of practical use to designers; Apple's pocket-sized marvel can be a pretty handy design tool too. Combined with the best iPhone apps it can pack some real punch in the studio – and more importantly, out of it.
So whether you plan to do some sketching on the move, are after a particular tool to aid your daily design work, or prefer to take things more seriously with something to help you manage your projects, time and money, you don't have to know how to build an app – there's a great selection of must-have apps right here.
- Developer: Not A Basement Studio
- Price: Free
Create cool photo collages for free with iPhone photography app Fuzel. With a wide variety of features and smooth UI, you can combine photos as well as add effects and write captions. The app imports images and cleverly places them so they fit within the chosen frame. You can then tap on any photo and realign, pinch to resize, add various filters as well as chose from different frames and borders.
Doodle Buddy is described as 'the most fun you can have with your finger'- Developer: Pinger, Inc
Described as 'the most fun you can have with your finger', Doodle Buddy is a free doodling app, which comes complete with various playful backgrounds and stamps. The app has 44, 000 colours to choose from, which can be applied in the form of a paintbrush, glitter pen, chalk and text. There's also the option to switch between freehand drawing and using a stencil. A no-frills, fun drawing app.
- Developer: Bananas Design
A simple application but a vital one, Ruler Plus provides a 7cm (2 inch) ruler on your iPhone allowing you to take accurate measurements with ease. There's also the ability to extend the ruler by simply moving your iPhone to the right and pressing the plus sign.
- Developer: MacPhun LLC
FX Photo Studio offers an impresssive amount of ways to edit and enhance images. There's hundreds of filters and high-quality effects to to work with, alongside a whole host of other features to help create beautiful photography. This a powerful image processing app for photographers of all skill levels.
Layers for iPhone has everything you need to be creative on the go See also:- Кредиты и займы без фото в Москве.