Blossom is a project management tool that is about your craft. You can set project covers. This way you will feel right at home. It's not about managing work – it's about managing and improving your portfolio. Like your own design studio.
Visualize your Workflow
With Blossom you can manage your workflow in different stages. Every card is a work item that flows from one stage to the next. For example you could define stages like Research => Mockup => Photoshop => Party.
This way you get a great overview on where each work item is in your process. You can also add team members to help you on certain Designs or mark cards as blocked if you need more input.
Get a feeling for Cycle Time
Often clients want to know how long things will take and it's hard if not impossible to give estimantes. Blossom helps you to get a feeling for it over time. Like your personal assistant.
Once you've completed a card Blossom shows you how long it took from inception until delivery. This is a great way to get a feeling for how long it takes from an idea until everything is polished & ready.
Seamless Integrations with other Services like HipChat
At Blossom we understand that as a Designer you use several different tools in your daily workflow. That's why we focus on market leading integrations with popular services like HipChat.
Learn more about our integration with Atlassian's HipChat over on our blog./blog/2013/03/12/take-a-look-at-our-new-hipchat-integration.html
Drag & Drop File Uploads, Checklists & Personas
With Blossom you can easily upload Mockups, Screenshots and Inspirations simply by dragging your file into the browser, it will get uploaded automatically, no cumbersome file selection.
You can also manage and assign tasks to other people from your product team you are working with. Last but not least Blossom is a great way to collect personas and other important aspects of your design process.
We'd love to get you on Board :)
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