The other day I responded to a question via LinkedIn on “What is a better strategy, using your name as a solitary designer, or using a company name like (such and such designs) how does this impact on getting new clients?”
Here was my response written below:
“Personally I think using either your name or using a company name works well. I suppose what you have to look at is where you want to take your company in the short, medium and long-term and make your choice based on your goals and aspirations. I think too that you can bring in your personality into your business name by using your name as the inspiration.
In my case, by using my initials ‘P.H.R.’ as the inspiration, I was able to create a name that said what my company did and what it was about, so in the end I came up with ‘phresh Ideas & Designs’. The first three letters in ‘phresh’ are my initials.”
Though the response was to a graphic designer, the approach is still applicable in naming any startup or company. Here are seven other useful tips:
- The startup’s name should be easily pronounced, especially if it’s a made-up word.
- Don’t get a generic name that lacks meaning to your startup or company.
- Avoid using acronyms or initials.
- Make sure it’s a name you can have trademarked.
- Check your local registrar of companies and do your own search for the name availability.
- Google is also perfect to do name search.
- Test it out on your family and friends to get their feedback.