College courses for Graphic Design

November 20, 2016
Graphic Design | Robert Guy

David ChuEvery successful business uses the services of advertising agencies, graphic designers, and illustrators to promote and inform in today's global economy. Graduates of the Graphic Design degree or certificate programs find work in advertising agencies, design studios, in-house corporate design/promotion departments, or as freelancers, handling a variety of creative projects and campaigns.

Recent studies indicate that the outlook for advertising, graphic design and related activities is excellent. The field is considered to be one of the top 25 occupational choices.

Major Employment Areas

  • Layout Artist
  • Computer Artist

Program Information

Marketability is determined by the creativity and quality of work exhibited in the graduate's portfolio. The Graphic Design program at College of DuPage guides students toward building a successful portfolio.Jean Ruth The program serves high school graduates, persons seeking to make career changes, professionals who are upgrading or adding to their job skills, and those who seek personal enrichment by developing their artistic talents.

Students who complete an Associate in Applied Science degree can seek immediate employment or can continue their education by taking advantage of articulation agreements with Columbia College in Chicago, or Robert Morris College in Chicago and Aurora. These agreements allow students to begin their studies at College of DuPage and complete a bachelor's degree at one of these well-respected schools.

Cheryl VargasGraphic Design coursework includes study in graphic design, illustration, typography, web design and advertising. Great facilities such as Macintosh-equipped computer design studios, with the latest design and illustration software and color printers, allow students to develop professional quality portfolios. With great curriculum, award-winning teachers and great facilities, Graphic Design is among the best in community college graphic design programs in the Midwest.

Program Requirements

Please consult a faculty advisor listed below before beginning your coursework.

Mirjana UrsuleskuGainful Employment Information

View information about this program, including estimated cost and employment opportunities.

Faculty Advisors

If you are considering this program as an area of study, consult with a faculty advisor in this field. To send an email, click on the name of the advisor you wish to reach:

If you are unable to contact a faculty advisor, messages may be left with the Liberal Arts Division, (630) 942-2047, or the Fine and Applied Arts Office, (630) 942-2048.

COD and Concordia University 3+1 Degree Program in Visual Arts Administration

Faculty Spotlight

  • David ChuGraphic Design

    "I try to help my students learn to express themselves creatively and to be successful in the business world. I encourage them to define their own perspective and personality, to understand advertising and design, to have the technical skills to create it, and to apply the principles to themselves as professionals."

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